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Q&A County ReOrganization/Officer Election




Huerfano Democrats Reorganization meeting scheduled for

Saturday, February 13th at 1 PM.

Register in advance

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Who is qualified to run for these positions?

• Any registered Huerfano County Democrat •

What positions will be elected ?

• Chair

• Vice chair

• 2nd Vice chair

• Secretary

• Treasurer

When is the meeting?

The meeting will be held via ZOOM on Saturday, February 13th at 1 PM.

Can anyone attend the meeting?

All Huerfano County registered Democrats are encouraged to attend.

How do I attend the meeting?

Please use the form on the Reorganization page to indicate your interest in attending.

The link will be posted on the website or sent to your email address.

What do I have to do if I want to run for an office?

Please send a letter of intent by February 3rd to

You can also submit your interest on the form found on the Reorganization Page of our website.

Who are the officers now of Huerfano County Democratic party?

Chair: Dale Lyons

1st Vice Chair/ Secretary: Helen Pino

2nd Vice Chair: Jay Jenkins

Treasurer: Eleanor Foley

Who votes on the nominees?

The Huerfano County Central Committee

Who are the Central Committee Members?

Amos Mace Roz McCain Edith Flanagin

Brian Orr Ruth Orr Monica Birrer

Helen Pino Carlotta Barnes JR Burell

Kathy Brown Karen Boyton Larry Patrick

Cindy Campbell

What happens at Reorganization?

The County Central Committee, Candidates, and invited guests meet between February 1st and February 15th of odd numbered years. The meeting in 2021 will be on February 13th at 1PM via ZOOM. The incumbent chair calls the meeting to order and presides until a new chair has been elected. At the meeting, there is elected a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. In addition, Bonus representatives will be elected to represent Huerfano county on the multi-county State Senate and House Districts.

What are the duties of the elected officers?

County Party Chair: The County Chair runs the day-to-day operations of the county party. They are responsible for raising the funds needed to fund the party's core functions and election programs. They preside over county party meetings, including county central committee and executive committee meetings, caucuses, county assemblies, county conventions, county re-organization, and county vacancy committee meetings. The County Chair may have appointments to make to various committees depending on local rules. The County Chair works in conjunction with others to recruit a full slate of Democratic candidates in the county. The County Chair works to find precinct organizers for each precinct and fill vacant PCP positions, if any. The County Chair works with elected and other district leaders within their county. The County Chair, in conjunction with other officers and volunteers is responsible for any annual events or forums. The County Chair is responsible for developing a Win Plan and Budget for the county for each year focused on how we defend or grow the number of elected Democrats in the county and contibute to wins across county lines.

The County Chair is an automatic member of the State Central Committee.

County Party 1st Vice Chair: The First Vice Chair steps in to cover any of the duties of Chair(above) if the Chair is unavailable. The job of the First Vice Chair is to support the Chair and help the party achieve its goals. The First Vice Chair contributes their time and skills to the greater vision of the party. There is a great deal of flexibility of what this looks like and will often be defined with more specificity in consultation with the Chair.

The County Vice Chair is an automatic member of the State Central Committee.

County Party 2nd Vice Chair: The Second Vice Chair steps in to cover and of the duties of the Chair or 1st Vice Chair if they are unavailable. There is a great deal of flexibility as to what this officer is responsible for, but local custom or rules may put emphasis on different tasks.

County Party Secretary: The County Party Secretary is responsible for taking notes and minutes for all party meetings. The Secretary submits the draft minutes for review and edits and presents them for adoption at the next meeting and for documenting follow up and to do items arising out of Executive

Officer meetings. This position may also include list maintenance and hygiene for the Democratic Party membership of the County Central Committee and the State Executive Committee. This position may also include periodic communications from the party.

County Party Treasurer: The County Party Treasurer is responsible for the timely filing of all county campaign finance reports in TRACER with the Secretary of State’s Office. The County Treasurer is usually a signer on the county party bank account(s). The County Treasurer is responsible for making sure the accounts balance, that receipts are probably kept and filed for all expenditures, and that donations accepted are from legally acceptable sources under limits allowed by law.


All State Reorganization meetings will be via Zoom.

The County Chair and Vice Chair are automatic members of the State Central Committee.

State House District 62 and Senate District 35 meetings will be at 2PM and 4PM on Saturday, February 27

Judicial District 3 and National Congressional District 3 will be at 2PM and 4 PM on Sunday, February 28.

The State Central/Executive Committee meeting will be Saturday, March 20 at 10 AM

In addition, the State meeting will be discussing 17 State initiatives and picking members for other critical committees such as Platform and Outreach.

For more information email

To speak with someone directly call Helen Pino at 719-859-5334 or Dale Lyons at 719-250-1285

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Huerfano County Democratic Party

309 W. Cedar Street

Walsenburg, CO 81089

©2021 Huerfano County Democratic Party. All rights reserved. Website by Zooma Design, LLC.

Paid for by the Huerfano County Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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