The caucus and assembly is this Saturday. It’s one of the more stressful parts of this job for all of us volunteering. I’d like to thank my caucus/assembly committee that put in countless hours getting ready for this event. I certainly couldn’t have done it without you. So thanks to all of you who had a hand in working or planning all aspects of putting this event together.
We have a slate of very good candidates running locally, statewide and nationally but we need all dems in the county to come together and send the best candidates forward for the primary and general election. Your participation is vital to making things work.
With Russia invading Ukraine last week and continuing their push to take over a democracy, we see how much the Ukrainians value freedom over living under the rule of a dictator. They’ve lived under both. This war should give all Americans an insight into how other countries value democracy at a time when some Americans seem bent on suppressing voting and showing preference to those willing to turn our nation over to would be authoritarians. More than ever, we dems need to be more diligent in fighting to keep the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 250 years. Currently, within our 2 party system, it seems as though democrats are the only one standing up for democracy while some officials in the other party stand up for the big lie and for supporting the efforts of Russian leader, Putin in his fight against democracy in Ukraine.
This year’s election is about protecting voting rights and our democracy. We cannot afford to take either for granted or we could find ourselves destroying from within, the cherished democracy we have all known our entire lives.
